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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the following scenes may be disturbing. viewer discretion is advised.


this one goes out to roy.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:24 AM

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i'm really bored... anyone has any idea what a ps2 format disc is? and where the hell i can get it. thanks.

i finally paid my phone bills and now, i'm feel much lighter. when year 2006 starts, i'm gonna save $$ like hell. i'm not saving $$ now as i know it's impossible to save $$ during the hols. i dont know on how the fuck zs does it. next year, i'm gonna be serious getting the fender P-bass.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 4:31 PM

Monday, November 28, 2005

you know what? i woke up at 4pm today.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:17 AM

Saturday, November 26, 2005

the singaporean soccer team dont play like real soccer players, they play like shit. the ball right infront of the goal post, then can kick over. LAST MINUTE SUMMORE.it's people like them, that ruin a fuckin soccer match.. my holidays are getting more and more boring... my mom came back to singapore yesterday, and thank goodness she did. the house was just about to fall apart.

anyway, today was pure ps2. i woke up at 2pm, started on ps2, and when i stopped for a toilet brake, it was about 6. i had my dinner, and it was back to ps2. i stopped to watch the dunno wad mei ren yu show. haha! i watched it for felicia chin.heh. after that, ps2 all the way until 10pm, thatks to losing to inter milan and juventus on pro evol soccer.i watched tv from then on.

i'm finally leaving home tomorrow.i'm leaving for some beach rugby rugby tournament at sentosa in the MORNING. dammit. gotta wake up at 9.45am... and i'm still not asleep. i'm just not made to sleep early... been sleeping at about 7am these days... darn... I'M NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT SLEEPY...

Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:46 AM

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Fuck you harry potter.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:16 AM

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

haha! a few days back, i was draggeed to watch harry potter:the goblet of fire by yk. i watched it at west mall. i didn't know the story, so i didn't really understand the movie. anyway, i didn't fully regret catching the film, thanks to katie leung! ahahhaha! yeah, cho chang. ahha! emma watson was damn pretty too! hahaha!
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com

man, i'm sick. and bored

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:37 AM

Friday, November 18, 2005

i seriously have no life. all i do at home is play my ps2(most), eat, play guitar, surf the net and sleep(least). that's all. cool huh? haha!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:02 AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

whaaaa.... friendster damn lagg man.... shit..

i completed alot of gta missions, and as i was about to save the game, this message appeared,

Error reading the
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas disc

Damn, life sucks.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:27 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

YEAH HOOOOOOO!!!!! hahaha!!! as you can see, i'm happy!

well, the reason i'm happy, is because i've finally gotten my PS2!!!!!!! hahahaha!! not only that, but the hillgrove rugby team also won the bowl runners up for the NK10's tournament! haha! which means silver for us! ahah! and i also have a partner for getting an injury through rugby! zhi shen! and what more, he fractured his COLLAR BONE! just like me! only i did not fracture mine-.- i probably ruptured the tendon of my collar bone. oh well. anyway. my hols are still boring shit. i only went out with my team for the tournament, and out with my sis to get a new controller. that's all. the rest was ps2. aha. really hope to get out soon man..

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:23 AM

Thursday, November 03, 2005

this holiday is shitty man... shucks... and i was looking forward to this holiday when school was on.. damn it.. soo boring.. i cant wait for my ps2.. yesterday went to queensway with yk to get a darn whistle for some sports leader thing. and i kinda spotted this really nice bag. you know those type of big big ones, with the cylindrical shape? the one which you bring to matches? yeah those type. it's adidas, and it's damn cool. but i was kinda short of cash that time, so i didn't get it.

after that, i and yk went to gerald's place to play gta. damn fun man. haha. after that, i went home. and i fianlly learnt malmsteen!!!! whooohoooo!!!! hahaha!! i stayed up to watch chelsea vs real betis. fuck man.... bloody bias ref... the the real betis players were like...FAGGOTS. touch a little bit only fall, then wanna cry... i was damn pissed when the final whistle was blown. threw the remote on the floor, and then, i tried to sleep. i couldn't man.. kept thinkin of the 10-a-side tournament. exicited man.by the time i got sleepy, it was already 8am. hahahha!! i know, CRAZY. anyway, i had to wake up to go to school for the sports leader thing. i had to reach by 12 noon. when i woke up, i looked at the colck------->2.30pm. shucks. and i was still sleepy.

i planned to go for dinner with zs and wei en, and as usual, we didn't.... i then went to queensway with my sis to get the bag. after that, i came home. i got my fingers swollen again. i'm gonna stop here. fuckin pissed with many people..

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:13 AM

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This is soo damn cool man, will definately send shivers down your spine. Damn it, the haka is like ten times cooler than the ikale tahi lah! the ikale tahi is like immitation man. no offence to all tonga supporters out there, but yeah. enjoy.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:46 AM


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Name-Kelvin Choo
School-Hillgrove Sec


Wearing Underwear
Playing The Bass&Guitar
Making People Laugh
Hearing People Laugh
Sleeping In Class
Iced Milo
Watching T.V.


Wearing Boxers
Mr Sim

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