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Saturday, October 29, 2005

you wanna know something? the number 1 and numer 2 buttons of my n-gage came out. fuck it. now when i need to press either of the teo buttons, i gotta use my pinky.heh.

this morning, guess what happened? i tried to use superglue to bond the buttons back to my phone. i accidentally pressed the glue tube too hard, and the super super sticky glue landed on my fingers. my left hand index and middle fingers were covered with super glue. it dried almost instantly, and in no time, my fingers were super solid.it felt like having another layer of skin over your real skin. shucks. i managed to rub it off. it took about 3 hours? haha! i used alchohol too.

hey guys, if you're free next saturday, it'll be great to have you supporting the hillgrove rugby c div team at the yio chu kang stadium from 8.00am to 1.30pm in the northern knights 10's tournament. whoo hoo! cant wait! hahahah!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:29 PM

Thursday, October 27, 2005

some people have just got nothing to do man. hey, you not happy with me, just shut the fuck up alright. you dont have to tell everyone bout your fuckin opinions. why dont you go masturbate or sth man. just fuck off my blog if you ain't got nothing to do..

i havn't been blogging lately. kinda lazy nowadays. haha! what i know is that, tomorrow is the last day of school, which means, LIBERATION! freew wheet!! hahaha!!tomorrow planning to tear my short pants. hahha!! oh well. i think i'm gonna stop now. bye babes

Clicked "Publish Post" at 10:18 AM

Saturday, October 15, 2005

the wholesome goodness of Ling Mong Tablets:

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Clicked "Publish Post" at 7:20 PM

this guy is damn damn sick-----http://www.billthebuddhadickens.com/

Clicked "Publish Post" at 5:15 PM

hahaha!!! i'm still awake!! beat that! sucka!!!!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 4:28 AM

Thursday, October 13, 2005

whoo hoo!!! finally!! liberation! exams!! over!!!!! hahahaha!! yeah man, exams are finally over. next hurdle, results. i'm gonna talk bout yesterday and today.

ok to me, the day after the exams, are already considered the holidays and after receiving the results, are considered holidays with guilt.

yesterday was damn funny! ok, first, yesterday was the day the exams ended, and we were freakin happy. after school, we went on a "blind bus ride" haha! me, zs, afiq and andrew. it was fun. wetook a bus, 77, and ended up in town. we went to the manchester united store(whatever the name is) BORING. it was small. after that, off we went to the forum to give toys'R'us a visit. there were new masks( those who do not understand, go to the post on september 10th and watch a short video.) after that we went to pacific plaza to fulfil afiq's crave for a cap. haha. after that, we went to borders to read some mags(we are clean.) i read bass player, zs read some guitar mag, andrew read some stoopid wwe magazine with carlito accompanied with two girls wearing bikinis as the cover page. i forgot what afiq read though.. then, we went home.
later at 8.15pm, we met up at west mall with a bird. dont ask why. we went there to watch GOAL!!!!!! with the bird. after goal, it was about 11pm already. we went to macs for supper. i and zs didn't eat though. we had things better to spend the money on. we fed the bird a piece of lettuce with mayonaise. it didn't eat. after that, we went our seperate ways. zs stayed at my place for the night. we were waiting for the train at bb, when we peeped into the box where we kept the bird, we found it fuckin dead man.....it stinked like fuck. we then went to a quiet place in yew tee, and cremated it. disgustin man.... we then went home, and poured urine on some matt's shoe.hahaha! oh well. we watched white chicks on vcd and slept.

the next day, which is yesterday according to the clock, zs and i went to swee lee to check out the price for some stuff, and the fender jazz bass was like $1500 man... really long story, so i wont say anymore. zs decided to get a epiphone sg special. it was $500 btw. after that, it was pretty boring, and everything ended. went home, went online, and got bored, when my sis called for supper. i agreed and we went to some coffeeshop to eat. ahah! i ate 2 pratas and she ate mutton chop. after that, we weren't full, so we got satay. then, went toyew to deposit some cash, and we went to the place where we cremated the bird. then, we went home and here i am.

i'm gonna stop here. buai!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:31 AM

Sunday, October 09, 2005

it's like 4am now, and i am studying. damn boring man. math really ruined my life man...and my fingers are damn swollen. i am damn scared for monday's paper. math. sigh...probably gonna get 20+again... shit shit shit shit ahit.
just watched whose line is it anyway. watched and messaged zs at the same time. he's also watching it. i'm gonna talk bout the past few days since i haven't been blogging.

on friday, before tuition, i met up with zs, and we did stoopid stuff like take the letter "s" of the "coSmetic" shop sign.haha! then we strolled around as we waited for our pizza to be ready. we walked and walked for 20 mins, and we collected the pizza. it was a personal pizza, so it wasn't much. we met wei en at pizza hut, then we went to makan dinner at the food court. i ate my pizza there. when i opened the box, ...............it was fuckin small... it could barely fill a hamster's stomach. after eating, we strolled around again, and finally went to get bubble tea and sit outside of lot1, shooting pearls at the letter "s" we took. we placed it about 5 meters away, and shot pearls at it. damn funny lah. wei en was the most accurate, while i got the closes to knocking the "s" down. zs was plain lousy.hha! no offence dude. went for tuition, and after that, we went to a nearby rubbish dump, and outside it, we set our chinese books on fire.whoo! now that's what i'm talking bout man! we use deodorant as fuel. we set a bit of the book on fire using a lighter, and sprayed deodorant to increase the flame. damn fun lah, but burnt the hair on my right index and middle finger. went home to watch tv and sleep.

today was boring. didn't do much.woke up, went to minimart, came home, watch tv, and i started on art. doing visionary. thanks to zs, i'm most likely gonna draw a flying pigs. from then on, i did nothing but study or chatted. oh yeah, i played with bert(guitar) and got my left index finger swollen. that's all i did. told you i was a boring person at home. well, i think i'm gonna stop now to study. gonna study till i got no fuel. drank 3 cups of coffee, so that'll most probably last me about half an hour more. i'm gonna stop here now. bye

ps- chun ping is obsessed with ice cream. i predict he'll get diabetis one day. he has a bad sense of fashion too.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 4:29 AM

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hahaha!! you know roland lim from channel news asia? the guy who is the journalist for hong kong? he looks damnn fuckin ugly man. he looks like a wild-boar. ugly shit.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 8:19 PM

Sunday, October 02, 2005

today was freakin funny lah!! while i was playing fifa '04 on my com, zs called me on my hp.

"eh kelvin! i wrote you a testimonial!! eh, why so noisy ah?" zs asked about the sounds coming from the fifa '04 game.
"huh? i at kalang stadium lah! watching match!" i replied
"whoa! what match? what match?!" he said in excitement
"huh? uhh, balestier vs geylang utd!! damn nice man!"i said
" whoa!! what's the score? what's the score?!" he said
"three-nil!" i replied

i then paused the game as i couldn't really concentrate talking and playing at the same time, and music came out. hahahha!!! damn funny. i then told him the truth, and you should have heard his voice. soo embarrassed. hahahha!!!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 8:33 PM

Saturday, October 01, 2005

these are tips from me about, what NOT to do before the exams.

- walk under the rain and act like a movie star. you might get a fuckin fever, and it sure sucks.

-play rugby with fat freaks. you might have your shoulder messed up. you wont be able to write btw.

-get in trouble with black teachers. trust me, you dont wanna know the outcome.

- lie on the bed and study. you will DEFINATELY sleep in 5mins. EH! IT'S STUDYING WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! WHO WON'T SLEEP?!

-get distracted by cool stuff like bags and shirts and blah blah blah. it'll tempt you to go out when you're suppose to be home to studying.

-remember mr sim's face. it'll give you nightmares and will give you temporary brain damage.

now, i'll list things TO DO before the exams.

-buy more coffee powder-MUST!i think you know why.

-try to do get your feelings messed up, it'll make you lose your concentration.

well, that's about it. hope you guys gain from my experiances. good luck!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 9:22 PM

shit! i cant wait for the 10 a side rugby tournament at the end of the year! whoo! but now, gotta concentrate on the eoy papers first. now studying geog. feeling much better now.

zs, congrats on the soccer thing.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 8:59 PM

ok man, just made my fingers fuckin swollen.

anyway, today was rancid man.. had our first paper for the eoy exams. had difficulty reading the question for the chinese compo and letter writing.hehe, got help from sharlyn. SHE TOUCHED A FUCKIN DEAD COCKROACH. after the exams, went to the staff room to see zhang lao shi to read the text book-_-. after that, i went to the canteen to celebrate lin xi's birthday. ahaha! i posed like some hip hop fucker in the photo. anyway, after that, i went to the staff room AGAIN, to see miss chung for the stoopid orchestra shit. just as i was on my way out of danger from teachers, ms david, said to me, "kelvin, i want to speak to you." wtf man... i waited for her, then when she walked out of the staff room, i followed her. she then asked me, "kelvin, how was the exams so far?" wtf man... you think i am some dumb fuck izzit? you think i cannot handle some dumb motherfuckin compo is it? cheebye... i then said that it was okay, then she gave me the look she gives everyone, the stoopid looking one.. then she said i could go. then just as i walked near the stairs, ms yanti called me. she said, "kelvin, long time never talk to you! come, let's go to one class room and talk!" oh my goodness, you think i'm as free as you ah? i've got a life to live man.... she kinda talked to me bout my behavior lately. she said i surprised alot of teachers. then she talked and talked, and she made me feel guilty. i feel bad man.. after that, i went home, wanting to go out with my sis, when i found out i have tuition.. i wanna quit tuition man.. zs and wei en already confirm quitting. then like that left me and chin koon. fuck man... it's fuckin useless man. the stupid teacher's breath stinks like shit too.. dont know how to explain to my papa that i wanna quit.. fuckin late, but still dont wanna sleep. dont know why, but nowadays, i feel like fuck.

happy childrens' day kids.

i think i'll stop here. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:31 AM


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About Me

Name-Kelvin Choo
School-Hillgrove Sec


Wearing Underwear
Playing The Bass&Guitar
Making People Laugh
Hearing People Laugh
Sleeping In Class
Iced Milo
Watching T.V.


Wearing Boxers
Mr Sim

I Want To,

Get Famous When I Grow Up
Become Rich
Get Better Results
Get A New Math Teacher

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