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Sunday, September 25, 2005

alright, finally went jamming. went with roy and his bandmates. the guitarist was good. so was the drummer, hehehehe. anyway, it was a last minute decision to go jamming, so i didn't really know what to play. damn embarrasing trying to figure out the notes.

cows' balls are huge. baboons' asses are fuckin red. figured that out at the zoo. and beware, those who intend to go to the zoo, huge tigers can jump out of the bushes anytime and attack you. one attacked me, but i won. hehehe

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anyway, i had macs with my sis last night at 3am. damn fun and funny. ordered. those who wanna order macs, remember to ask for curry sauce on the phone,

Clicked "Publish Post" at 9:40 PM

fuckin bored...................................................................................................................................................

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:56 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

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Looks Familiar huh?

Clicked "Publish Post" at 5:47 PM

last night, i woke up at 2.30am to cut my toenails and finger nails.

today i went out with my sis to IMM. haha! feet damn pain. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:36 AM

Sunday, September 18, 2005

man utd and liverpool are 2 damn crazy teams man... starting to like soccer again. haha!that's a good thing btw. but i still suck at it. anyway, i'll post about friday and saturday.

friday was kinda funny. i did sth really really bad. really sinful, but atleast i got my revenge. only yk knows what i did. haha! after that, i went home, got ready, and left for tuition.after tuition, i went for supper with zs. and bloody zs told me that sat was lantern festival. anyway, i ate mee goreng, he ate duck rice. hahaha! we then talked till 11.30pm, and went home. -zs, your blisters look like shit.-

on saturday, i went to plaza sing with my sis to catch a leaventrait gig. the bassist was great man. after that, went home. this weekend was a bloody boring weekend. kept thinkin of the exams.aiyah, i think i stop now. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 7:34 PM

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

hahahaHAHA! uhhh...

tonight was damn fun. haha! had a feast with my sis. we had it for supper, so it's kinda funny. the weird thing, we were planning to have it for the liverpool vs real betis match, but we cooked it too early, and we ended up finishing our food before the match has started.

today was really funny. especially when it's nearing dismissal, i played with my egg sandwich. dirtied the class. 2e5 will stink like shit tomorrow! smell of rotten eggs.i stuffed the sandwich under the small narrow door you find at the back of your class. haha! after school, played basketball. i dont know why, but now, i'm playing basketball. i find it kinda fun, but i still love rugby! went home with amin after that.

came home, slept.filled the whole pillow with my saliva. HAHAH! damn smelly. anyway, here is a picture of what we had. haha!

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Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:03 AM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

today was a miracle! i actually did homework! wuhoo! uhhhh. ok. i just posted to tell you why i'm in a bad mood.it's because tmr is the day school reopens. shit. i'll list down reasons why i'm sad and not happy.
  1. gotta see mr sim again. gotta pack my portable pillows and anti-mr sim eye masks.
  2. gotta see ms david and her gigantic ass wearing the thight clothes.*puke.
  3. gotta wake up real early.
  4. go to school half awake with ah mahs pushing here and there in the mrt.

today was pure wasted. but at least i did homework.

i am soo sleepy. that's why i think i'm gonna sleep now. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 11:48 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

today, i went to queensway to help yk get sth for his friend. left home at 3pm. leave queensway, 5pm-_-. haha. we waited for 61 to get home for a really long time man. we waited, and waited, when finally, 61 came. you know what happened next? the bus broke down before reaching the bus-stop. fuck! we had to wait for a bloddy long the for the next bus to come along. i decided to go to gerald's place instead of home. wanted to play grand theft auto. haha! had a real good time, i really love that game man.

i'll talk bout yesterday. yesterday, we had geog remedial, fuckin boring. then after that, i had lunch with yk and jeremy. I SAW THE FREAKIN LEGENDARY IPOH LADY!!!! you know? the lady with the distorted face?? she appeared in true courage before. anyway, she spoilt my appetite. after that, i made my way to meet zs and wei en at takashimaya(did i spell that right?) they were having lunch at seoul garden. i joined them. after that, chaos.

we went to some place, i didn't look at the name of the place, so i didn't know where we were. anyway, we took stoopid photos there, made alot of noise, and saw MANY singhs wearing turbans. we pinched zs's nipples the most and asked him the stoopid bhai what colour joke. we then went to see the person whose head was chopped off.after that, we went to the forum, to go to toys'r'us! take a look atthe video for a taste of what we went through. for the rest of the photos, go to my friendster account. anyway, that's all. i'm gonna stop here. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 11:01 PM

this is a stoopid vid of me and zs in toy'r'us. haha! enjoy. btw, i'm the alien, zhi shen's the burglar

Clicked "Publish Post" at 10:11 PM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

haha! went to watch a movie with yk and gerald today. we watched herbie, fully loaded. acutually, i watched the movie for lindsay lohan. haha! oh well. anyway, the movie was ok lah, the beginning made me kinda sleepy, and the whole movie was kinda ridiculous. i mean, one car taking down a fuckin monster truck?! come on man. and the father was freakin cheapo.

after the movie, we went to the arcade to play the ferarri game thingy. i watched gerald play. damn complicated man.. i played the stoopid bicycle, 18-wheeler, motorbike. for all, i laughed until the whole arcade was looking at me. one thing that was really funny, is the part when i rode the bicycle. i was riding it, when i turned my head. i saw this guy, about primary3, making comments on how i was riding. i rode up a cliff, and he said,"why did you do that?!" then i looked to yk, and i said REALLY LOUDLY, "that fuckin kid damn irritating man." he continued makin comments. i got really pissed, and said to him face-to-face, "eh dude, can you shut the fuck up?" hahaha!!!!! he then said, "ok" then when the time was up, he made silent comments to himself. hahaha! that's about it for my day today. i'll stop here. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 9:43 PM

rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish

ok roy, done posting rubbish, now, on with life.

haha! well today was fucked up boring and wasted. did nothing at all. okay, i woke up, watched tv, and ate lunch, play guitar, watch tv, do hw, eat dinner, watch tv, come online, and here i am.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:13 AM

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

today was swell, went to gerald's place to play pool. damn funny man! hahaha! i lost to gerald and jeremy. fuck man! and i played with gerald and jeremy only and i didn't play with yk. so, it's kinda shitty. played till 3pm. then went to his house to play grand theft auto! whee-hoo-reet! it was damn funny, laughed till my stomach cramp man. and i think sylvester sim is pure crap.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 8:38 PM

Monday, September 05, 2005

ok man, it really sucks to get sick just when the holidays are starting man... i mean, if i'd got it next sunday, at least i will have mc, and got 1 more extra day of holiday mah. whoa lao eh.. really suay. okok, anyway, i missed the scdf sports leader thingy. sandra said that it was horribly boring. i was also invited for the chalet, but i didn't go for it. at least i can most probably go out tmr.

ok man, one tip for you guys. during the holidays, if it rains, dont go out. and during the last day of the hols, spray water on your head, and go into an air-conditioned room. should work. then get an mc, and viola, another day of holiday.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:39 PM

Sunday, September 04, 2005

ahahaha!! guess what time is it man, yeah, it's 6.37AM lah! whoa lao! i am so sick. and i am typing in the darkness.

slept at dunno what time last night, probably at about 8pm, and woke up at 6... i couldn't sleep anymore, so i came to my sister's room. HAHAA! damn funny what happened! okay, anyway, i sat by her bed for half an hour, when i decided to come online. when i went online, no one was online. i know that no one my age stays up till 6.00am, but it would be a real good thing to have a friend online at 6am, to talk to you. anyway, freakin dark, and i am making alot of mistakes, so i'm gonna stop here. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:42 AM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

oh man, i really miss the good old times with dumpster juice man... for those of you who dont know, dumpster juice was my first band. consists of rizal, jayme and me. really stupid reason of how we broke up.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:10 AM

haha! finally! the holidays are here! haha! but unfortunately it's only for 1 week, shitty right? but at least can go out more often, whoo hoo!! i was thinking of going to play pool at gerald's place with yk. cant wait man!

and sandra, i'll get you the puma jacket. i'll buy it from those pajamas shops beside wet markets. freakin smelly one. haha! i see my budget lah.

okay man, today was kinda shitty. had to copy the line, "I won't play around in the lab anymore", 300 freakin times man! whoo hoo! it all started in the wee hours of 2nd september'05. i was in the lab, and i kinda sprayed water on everyone, so i had to do this shit. but at least i've got yk at do it with me. hehe. after school, i went to west mall to meet up with sandra and gang. passed her the neoprints, she was like damn sad, then i asked her what happened, she say her result very lan-_- .. anyway, after that, i went home to sleep. i slept half-naked, and jem came to my room to massage my back. wtf.haha! i was like drooling all over. damn smelly... then went for tuition to hit zhi shen. haha! damn fun.

yeah, that's my life. if you're not happy with it, fuck off. hha! yeah, i'll stop here for now, bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:08 AM

Friday, September 02, 2005

great. now totally no one is online. shit. anyway, i've got two new blisters! one one the finger tip of my index finger and one on the tip of my middle finger. well, you guess how i got them.okay man, i play bass until like that. fuck man. but at least it looks cool. hehe. finally going jamming next week. haha! i think i'll stop here. it is damn quiet and scary at home now. my sis and i feel shitty now. but at least she's sleepin, and i'm not. so i'll live with it. playing with bassie helps! so bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:40 AM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

okay man, yesterday, we had some stoopid concert. we pissed ms neo off. today, i woke up at 9.30am to watch some stoopid barbarian show. dont know if it was conan, or he-man. anyway, i watched cartoons until about 12 noon, when i started playing my guitar till about 3pm. fuckin bored.. then i went online. wei en asked me if i wanted to play badminton at zhi shen's place, i agreed. haha! that was when all the fun began.

at first, we went to this badminton court, but it was freakin windy. we played but no fun, so we decided to play with fire. haha! damn fun.we collected dried leaves, and set then on fire. then got alot of smoke, and everyone was looking at us, so we ran. hahahaahahah!! we then went to this court. not as windy as the first one, so we decided to play there. at first, i thrashed z.s. damn funny! but we both lost to wei en. then the last match, zhi shen thrashed me 11-4. shit. anyway, i'm gonna have my dinner now, so ciao!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 9:18 PM


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About Me

Name-Kelvin Choo
School-Hillgrove Sec


Wearing Underwear
Playing The Bass&Guitar
Making People Laugh
Hearing People Laugh
Sleeping In Class
Iced Milo
Watching T.V.


Wearing Boxers
Mr Sim

I Want To,

Get Famous When I Grow Up
Become Rich
Get Better Results
Get A New Math Teacher

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