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Sunday, August 28, 2005

okay man, yesterday was officially my birthday!

okay, lemme start with friday. i was in school, minding my own business, when suddenly, a cake appered. haha! it was for jia le, seraphina and me! people with birthdays on august. my family decided to get me pizza for my birthday. and zhi shen agreed to stay over at my place for that night. after tuition, we made our way home. when we reached home, i saw jem and the pizza at the dining table. haha! zhi shen and i put our stuff down and went to eat the pizza! while i was eating, my sis came to me with jem and a wrapped present. i was damn happy lah! i opened the present and saw a freakin nice pair of shoes man! she then told me that she bought it from the limited edt shop. sick right? i felt worse to accept than to give man. pizza was great. zhi shen drank vodka, and his face turned freakin red. damn funny.

the next day was my birthday, i went out with zhi shen, jia wen, sandra and penny. we did stoopid stuff, and i spilled a full cup of coke on the floor. shit. yesterday was also the first time seeing penny smile. after that, we went to take neoprints. haha! damn funny. i saw gena at the heeren too. after neoprints, jia wen, sandra and penny went home. i then met up with wei en to have dinner. zhi shen, wei en and i went to far east to makan. after that, we went home.

at about 9.00pm, we met up with wei en again to go cycling.this time, with andrew, damn fun. we went to gombak to have supper. we talked and talked. then, we went to little gui lin. damn scary lah! that time already 12am like that.so dark. then we went to kenneth's condo to contaminate the swimming pool. haha! then after that, we made out way home. reached home at about 1.30am. zhi shen stayed another night. seriously, going out with zhi shen, wei en, sandra, jia wen and penny is damn fun lah. can laugh until stomach cramp. yeah, then slept at 4am last night. yeah lah, i think that's about it. i think i'll stop now. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:35 PM

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

whoo hoo!! common test results are swell man!

the 2 most unbelievable results are my chinese and math. i know you guys must be thinkin, "wha, kelvin surely fail math and chinese like any other exam man, he is soo stoopid.." well think again! i passed my math and chinese!! wu hoo! i got 56 for chinese and 53 for math. not bad okay.

i'm gonna talk about today now. well today, while singing the stoopid song without any meaning(majulah singapure), i heard a loud buzzing sound. i thought it was a handphone vibration, so i didn't care. but something gave me the sense that it was something i feared, real badly. i continued moving my mouth without any sound coming out, when suddenly, i turned back. i saw a fuckin beetle! as large as my freakin thumb man! flying with a loud, low buzzing sound. it flew past me, and around me about 2 times. it was soo scary man.. i couldn't do anything, so i just covered my face and hoped for the best. i heard buzzing sounds all over me man, it's like it knew i was afraid of it man. clever little fucker.... but luckily for me, it was gone after that.

everthing else was normal for me, disturbing yong kiat, making fun of mr sim, not listening to zhang lao shi, blah blah blah. then after school, i went for rugby training, buit i didn't train. haha! well, that's all for now, by folks!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 9:21 PM

Friday, August 19, 2005

yeah man! i've got a new skin! damn nice right?! especially the fuck you part. damn funny. anyway, going for tuition now. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:48 PM

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

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this picture is damn cute lah, members of 2e5. i'm at the back!!! see me?! SEE ME?! we're at fort canning green! i know it has been awhile since the mermaid thing happened, but i found this pict in my files, so i decided to post it on my blog! haha! now that i've thout of it, i kinda like my class and i dont wish to be seperated with anyone at all(except ow yong) love you 2e5!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 10:29 PM

harlo people of earth. HAHA! ermmm, forget i said that. anyway, today, we had our english and geography paper. english was easy-peasy, but geography was fucked up. anyway, i left school early today to go to tan tock seng hospital for some orthopaedic shit. i waited for a long time, and when my turn came, i went into the room. wah lao! the doctor damn pretty man! haha! anyway, i have to go for some physio-therapy thing. sounds so cool! when i came home, my father told me dont need go for the physio-theraphy thing as it wastes $$. fuck man. he dont know what is insurance, that fucker.. i think i'll stop here. wanna study for literature. tomorrow got chinese and literature. damn scared for chinese. bye earthlings!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 10:12 PM

Saturday, August 13, 2005

i dislocated my collar bone! whee-hoo-reet! i would really wanna thank yong kiat, lin xi, gerald, jeremy, boon kiat for visiting me at my place. really appreciate it guys. i would also like to thank nadhir, hatim, hazri, sandra, roy and those of you who cared for me. now, i am damn scared of my common test as i dont know if i can write or not.... anyway, i think i'll stop now. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 11:03 PM

Monday, August 08, 2005

okay man, i watched hot chick with my sis yesterday,and april is bloody pretty man..whoa lao.. i've got a crush on her man.

here are picts of her..

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Clicked "Publish Post" at 11:15 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

okay man, people who do the quiz on my blog, please state your real name man.. fuckin irritating tryin to find out who the fuck you are.

anyway, i'm fuckin bored to the core and i can do nothin except wait for someone to come online, or do my homework.. i tried sleeping, but i couldn't. so, i'll try to do my homework. i'll stop here for now. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 3:34 PM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

okay man, i dont know why, but i'm starting to get bored of tempered mental.

anyway, made friends with joyce of 2e3. haha!

i'm fuckin boring.

okay, i'll start by telling you bout my past few days. well, i havn't been doing anything important or significant, but i was very close to getting a M.C man.. had a slight fever of 37.9 degrees. shit.. if only could have gotten higher.

today was damn funny man! today rained right? so it was windy, and you guessed what i and a few more of my classmates did? we plucked leaves from the tree whose branches are blown close to the class window. then the bloody fuckin simster(mr sim) confiscated my leaves... i know he has a grudge against me, that fucker...other people can talk, i cannot. then other people do hw, he never check, then i do, he check until like the end of the world like that...

aiyah, newbie teacher lah.. i think i'll stop here lah, bye people!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:02 AM


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About Me

Name-Kelvin Choo
School-Hillgrove Sec


Wearing Underwear
Playing The Bass&Guitar
Making People Laugh
Hearing People Laugh
Sleeping In Class
Iced Milo
Watching T.V.


Wearing Boxers
Mr Sim

I Want To,

Get Famous When I Grow Up
Become Rich
Get Better Results
Get A New Math Teacher

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