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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

whao tam-tui-sha-bua-ba-bli!!!nice huh? it's "spontanious writing", literally.

anyway, i did sandra's 2 quizes- the first:40. the second:47. argh!!! maybe the next one can pass. cummon sandra! come up with another quiz! haha! give less questions leh, chim man!

anyway, i feel damn guilty man.. i skipped a training session and a match due to the stoopid tuition man... fuck.... nevermind, the other matches are on sat!!whoo hoo!

wookay, ermm, i've got nothin else to say except, i think mrs lai is having her menopause. she has gone completely mad man.. thanks to yong kiat and his brilliant plan. haha! plan to get everyone to go to sleep.

oh yah!! i forgot! i went to andrew's house earlier today to play xbox. wha lao eh, damn cool and fun lah. especially the grand theft auto man. freekin cool. damn fun. and i'm damn bored.

i'm gonna stop here. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 7:11 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2005

well, if you are interested in my weekend, then you're not in luck. my weekend sucked like shit. wasted. ARGH!!! anyway, all i did, was sleep, watch tv and play with bassie. seriously. hardly went online.

anyway, if you havn't watched the movie, "White Chicks", you are stoopid. it is bloody funny. i watched it earlier today via vcd. damn fuckin funny. " yo mama so old, her breast milk is powdered" haha!! laughed like hell.

i am super bored. really miss being in a band though. i think i'll stop here. bye.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 10:20 PM

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

okay, today, sucked. lemme list the bad things that happened.

  1. we had oral with only 1 day notice.
  2. oral ended late.
  3. had to see ms teo's wrinkled face.
  4. came online after a long time, to see hardly anyone online.
  5. had to do 3 CHINESE journals.
  6. got raped by a group of gays. hehe. that's a lie.

yeah. i'm weird. i think so too. btw, i love tempered mental ALOT. www.temperedmental.com

oh yah! i want to introduce this webbie to you guys out there. my sis introduced it to me. it's about animal cruelty. damn scary and sad. www.peta.org enjoy!

i'll stop here now. bye

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:34 AM

Friday, July 15, 2005

okay, i am damn freaked out by some guy i met today man.

okay, i'll talk bout my future.
i talked to yk a few days ago on msn about our future jobs and stuff. then i asked him, "eh, you wanna go poly or jc?" i forgot his ans. but this is my blog so everything is about me!!!

anyway, i want to go to jc through rugby, but the odds are like ermm, 1000000 to 1. so most probably i'll be going to poly, i hope not ite though..

anyway, i went to check out the courses available in np. the thing that caught my attention was some nerdy course. "civil and environmental engineering" fuckin nerdy man. but it seems fun and MAYBE i could actually get a real future out of that course. and what more, the nerds there will influence me to study. so i might still have a chance.

now, all i have to do, is really improve on my math. at least get a pass next term man..

i just want to tell you guys one more thing, "MATH RUINED MY LIFE" actually not math. it's mr sim.

i'll stop here now. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:49 AM

Monday, July 11, 2005

i've created a damn quiz, so do it!!! the link is under my tag-board.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 5:55 PM

Saturday, July 09, 2005

great.. i agreed to meet up at gerald's place at 9.00am.. and guess what? i woke up at 1.15pm.. i hate life. maybe it's because i slept at 4.30am last night..

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:51 PM

okay, great. cant sleep. that is why i'm not sleeping. let me list down facts about life.

  1. mr sim is an idiot
  2. ms teo has nipples the size of grapes and shows them off to us. eww..
  3. i am a guy
  4. i stay up late
  5. nobody is online
  6. my handphone is an n-gageQD
  7. i like music
  8. i use to like the mighty morphine power rangers
  9. i still like the mighty morphine power rangers
  10. i dont even watch the mighty morphine power rangers
  11. i am wierd
  12. rugby rules
  13. i can fly-----> if you dont believe me, you are normal.
  14. i am too bored
  15. i think the teletubbies are a cult.
  16. i'll stop now

okay, i'll stop now. hah! bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 2:50 AM

now, so early and already almost everyone is offline. was chatting with roy and sandra, now, having a 'emoticon war' with jeremy. haha! i really like the emoticon roy gave me. the one with the star wars thingy, damn blardy pharny! okay, now i'm really bored.

i'm gonna tell you bout school today. well, everything was the same, only, during the last period, ms david came into the class, and we discussed the skit. damn funny lah!!! i'm the boss!!!! wahahah! then after that, came home, turned on the air-con, and watch ong bak! wahaha! eh, ong bak nice ok! then, slept. and then everything was back to shit. anyway, i'm going to gerald's place tomorrow in the morning, so i think i'm gonna stay a little longer, then i'll go sleep. i think i'll stop here. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 12:34 AM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

hey roy, i really wanna thank you for hearing my problems okay. without you, i'd be crying my ass out man.. haha! hey, i'm not gay or anything okay. so when wanna go jamming, inform me ok! i miss jamming like hell. i think i'll stop here for now.

p.s, if you need anything, just gimme a call or msg me. i'll try my best to help you. anyway, i owe you.

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:44 AM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

oh man, if i were to tell you like this, you wouldn't believe me, but its now 1.22am and no one is online. no one at all. bored man..

okay, all i did today was as usual. wake up at 1pm+, watch tv as i eat my brunch, prepare myself for homework, and pretend to do homework. i know, pathetic right? haha! i always pretend to do my work as i always have this thinking, "okay, i still have the whole day to do my work. now can relax." let me tell you this, dont follow me. it sucks. it will make you sleep this late, if you know what i mean.

okay, i dont know why, but nowadays, i seem to like wrestling again. kinda interesting. but the politics are really stoopid.. last time was dunno what french bastards trying to rule wwe, now, its muslims.. wierd man. the ecw thing is also stoopid, wait, i go pang sai first...back!!! wahaha! my shit smelt like popcorns. hmmm, why am i telling you guys this? anyway, as i was saying, the ecw thing. i dont understand why the eric bishop guy wanna distroy ecw.. plain stoopid, but interesting.

anyway, i've been pondering, if you are sleeping with your loved one, and if either one has to be POSSESED by spirits, which one do you want it to be? you or your loved one? for me, i would rather me because you dont wanna see your loved one being possesed. eww..

and i was also thinking, my friend told me bout looking at the mirror at 3.33am, you will see your future. i mean future as in adult life. kinda freaky huh? imagine looking at the mirror and seeing an old lady/man. fweeky man... i havn't tried it though.. dont wanna.

anyway, i think i'll stop here. bye!

Clicked "Publish Post" at 1:41 AM

Sunday, July 03, 2005

you know one time, i went to this market in yio chu kang, and i saw this pair of branded slippers. the brand, "abidas".

Clicked "Publish Post" at 6:39 PM


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About Me

Name-Kelvin Choo
School-Hillgrove Sec


Wearing Underwear
Playing The Bass&Guitar
Making People Laugh
Hearing People Laugh
Sleeping In Class
Iced Milo
Watching T.V.


Wearing Boxers
Mr Sim

I Want To,

Get Famous When I Grow Up
Become Rich
Get Better Results
Get A New Math Teacher

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